
Intuition, Magic & Superpowers

with Kundalini Yoga





Ready to get to the next level of your life, embrace your full potential, embody your Divine Spiritual Warrior, and liberate yourself from self-imposed limitations. It's time to stand tall and shine brightly in the world.

Aspiring to nurture your intuition, enhance your clair-abilities, and effortlessly become a powerful conduit for healing energy and Spirit guidance. Ready to develop these skills with confidence and trust.

Search for support to unwind, reset, and recharge, ensuring you consistently present your best selves - whatever it looks like in each moment without judgment- and radiate unconditional love and light into the world.

Desire a fulfilling life, living your destiny with purpose, soulfulness, and inspiration.

You require support in letting go of limiting beliefs, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

I see you! You are a spiritual soul, walking your life path, longing to step into the full potential of your Soul, Purpose, and Destiny. You recognize your gifts are meant to be stronger and in service, yet you are aware you need to put in the work and develop your skills.

You're lover of all things spiritual, conscious to be a soul having a human experience, you are a healer, a coach, a holistic therapist, a spiritual entrepreneur or aspiring to be of service to humanity to make a difference! You wish for more alignment, fulfillment, and purpose in life but uncertain about what it looks like or how to get there...

You've arrived at the right place. This course is meticulously designed to nurture your connection to inner guidance and Spirit Guidance. This profound connection provides the clarity and certainty you need to confidently navigate your journey.

You understand the uniqueness and value of your gifts for the collective. You sense a soul-deep calling to share your magic with the world. You feel a yearning to elevate your superpowers and life potential, yet you've been holding back, keeping yourself small. You may already inspire others, changing lives just by being who you are.

But you either...

Find yourself at a crossroads. You might be lost and unclear about what's next, unsure how to reach the full potential of this existence.

Or you are already determined to alchemize the life of your dreams through soul-led, inspired actions.

Wherever you are on your journey, I'm here to guide you. Together, we'll unlock the doors to your true power and potential, setting your spirit free to soar.

1 x Q&A - You'll be invited to join the next Q&A Live


Empower Your Life & Create a Soul-Led Life
 Guided by Intuition and Spirit

"The whole course is very inspiring, I enjoyed it very much. The design of the portal is clear, user friendly all works very smoothly . The combination of the different components is particularly helpful with each part enhancing understanding of the other.  Izza's enthusiasm is infectious. It was great meeting others during the live  Q&A  and realize we all have similar struggles juggling life and our desire to be more present, calm, conscious."

_ XX

"We've all got really busy hectic lives at the moment, you are in very good hands with Izza. If you go and spend some time settling yourself down. She creates a wonderfully calming environment. That in itself is tremendously beneficial. But the goodness and positive spirit that radiates out of her is really uplifting and has nourrished me so much."

_ Henry C.

"Every once in a while you meet someone with something special. Well I met Izza when I attended her workshop. Well I was amazed at how wonderful it was. Izza is very genuine, spiritual and you can feel her magical energy. I highly recommend her."

_ Melina H.

"I am very glad the universe steered me to Izza, a lovely soul with knowledge and wisdom, I look forward to more work and expansion of my soul with her."

_ Ravidass

"I’ve just had my 3rd Kundalini class with Izza and feeling called to share the amazing energy its given me. The benefits of this practice is evident; I feel a renewed sense of connection, clarity and confidence….its just like magic! It has been a true pleasure to follow Izza’s unique holistic approach - beyond breathwork, mantra, movement and meditation, the card reading and prompts invite further insight to come through long after the class ends. Gratitude to you Izza, for your contagious and inspiring optimism, grace and kindness - i look forward to the next! x"

_ Melissa M.



Instant Access to the 6 Modules: 

Kundalini Yoga Classes + Kundalini Yoga Meditations

1 x Q&A with Izza - Recorded Live


Private Portal to access the course

Lifetime Access to the content!


1 - Sustain a Deep Foundation for Expansion & Empowerment

2 - Balance & Clear Your Mind, and Become Laser-Focused

3 - Strengthen Your Aura for Protection, Projection & Connection

4 - Enhance the Connection to Your Intuition: Cultivate a Deeper Bond with Your Inner Guidance System

5 - Self-Healing & Facilitating Other People's Healing

6 - Empowering Clair-Abilities: Mastery of Mystery

This course is focused on meditations and kriyas from the Kundalini Yoga traditions that enables one to unlock their intuition, magic, and superpowers!


Module 1
Sustain a Deep Foundation for Expansion & Empowerment

In this first module of this transformative journey, immerse yourself in the essential practice of grounding, root yourself in the present moment, fostering a solid foundation with Earth from which to blossom. Discover the profound strength that emerges as you stand firmly in your own power, gaining the tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience, and enabling you to expand into Infinity.

What We'll Work on: 

  • Grounding & Earth Connection - Mastering the art of grounding and enhancing overall wellbeing. Developing a strong sense of security.
  • Balancing the First Three Chakras - Harmonise the Muladhara (Root), Svadhisthana (Sacral) & Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakras.
  • Opening the 10th Gate - Through grounding you are opening the doors to Infinity. The Sahasrara chakra connects you to higher realms & consciousness, and opens the path to self-realisation. Merge with the Infinite.
  • Establishing a Profound Relationship with Mother Earth - Overcome disconnect and learn to tap into the profound energies of nature for grounding, inspiration, and spiritual growth.
  • Nurturing Your Own Foundation - Build a strong relationship with your own foundation - your sense of self, beliefs, and values. Foster empowerment and resilience.

Let Go Of: Self-doubt, lack of confidence, insecurity, disconnection, stress, anxiety, depression, identity crisis, blockages in the lower chakras.

Module 2

Balance & Clear Your Mind, and Become Laser-Focused

Embark on a journey of mental clarity. This second module guides you through practices that help you declutter your mind, release stress, and find your center. With Kundalini Yoga discover or further your ability to develop a harmonious inner world. Establishing a relationship with your own Mind is paramount to being a clear channel.

What We'll Work on: 

  • Balancing the Negative, Positive & Neutral Mind - Understand the dynamics of your mind, balancing all aspects and cultivating a harmonious mental state regardless of external circumstances. 
  • Finding Total Stillness - Quiet the mental chatter and cultivate detachment, allowing true insight and wisdom to emerge.
  • Decluttering Your Mind for Clear Channeling & Establish a Relationship with Your Mind - Know your mind, do not identify to the chatter, learn to discern between genuine intuition/guidance and mental chatter. Release noise to clear the path. 
  • Inner Peace Cultivation - Find this space of tranquility within allowing you to navigate life with equanimity.
  • Deepening Meditation Practices.

Let Go Of: Attachment and identification to mental chatter, self-deception, limiting beliefs, lack of clarity, brain fog, overwhelm, stress, anxiety, restlessness, mind overactiveness (constant mental noise), emotional and mental unrest and other mental health challenges. 

Module 3

Strengthen Your Aura for Protection, Projection & Connection

Delve into the intricacies of your energy field as you explore the art of fortifying your aura. Unveil the secrets behind projecting your authentic self to the world while cultivating a shield of protection against negativity. This week equips you with the skills to radiate positive energy and establish healthy boundaries.

What We'll Work on: 

  • Establishing a Deep Relationship with Your Aura - Sense, feel, and understand the nuances of your aura's energies. 
  • Mastering Aura Protection - Your electromagnetic field as an energetic boundary from negative energies, psychic intrusions, and environmental influences. 
  • Mastering Aura Projection - Learn techniques to consciously project your aura and your vision to expand yourself, raise your vibration, and connect to Infinite Consciousness. 
  • Connecting to Higher Realms through Your Aura - Your aura as a bridge between your earthly existence and the divine, enabling you to receive spiritual insights, guidance, and wisdom from higher beings.
  • Aura Cleansing, Balancing & Strengthening: Discover how to cleanse and balance your aura regularly to remain vibrant and radiant.

Let Go Of: negative energies invading your space (crucial for empaths), connections to lower realms, aura clutter and blocks, karma, taking other people's energy/emotions on.

Module 4

Enhance the Connection to Your Intuition: Cultivate a Deeper Bond with Your Inner Wisdom and Insights

Unleash the power of your intuition as you delve into this module. Engage in exercises designed to heighten your connection with your inner wisdom, allowing you to nurture a deep connection with your Higher Self. Develop a keen sense of discernment and tap into the wealth of insights that your intuition provides to guide you on your path.

What We'll Work on: 

  • Develop Deep Intuitive Trust - the unshakable confidence in your inner guidance, no more doubt or hesitation!
  • Clear Intuitive Blockages - identify and release the barriers that hinder your intuitive flow.
  • Sharpen Your Intuitive Senses - Hone your intuitive senses to perceive subtle energies, emotions, and messages more clearly. 
  • Integrate Intuition into Decision-Making - Learn how to incorporate intuitive insights into your daily choices and decisions.
  • Harness Intuition for Self-Discovery - Utilize your intuitive powers for profound self-exploration. Uncover hidden aspects of yourself, discover your life purpose, and gain insights into your relationships, career, and overall well-being through intuitive practices.

Let Go Of: Self-doubt, the need for external validation, fear of judgement or internal judgement, fear of being wrong, overthinking, rigid expectations, lack of confidence, lack of clarity, distrust.

Module 5

Self-Healing & Facilitating Other People's Healing 

In this fifth module, you will learn practices that create space for self-care and self-healing and you'll nurture your innate healing abilities. Explore techniques that facilitate your own healing journey while gaining skills to support others on their path to wellness. Become a clearer channel for strong healing energy.

What We'll Work on: 

  • Amplifying Healing Energy - Enhance your ability to receive.
  • Enhancing Channeling Skills - Become a clear channel for purer, stronger, clear healing energy. Magnify your ability to receive.
  • Self-Healing - Create a safe and sacred space for your rejuvenation and wellbeing. 
  • Facilitating Other People's Healing 
  • Continuing to Establish Clear Energetic Boundaries - Ensuring you are maintaining balance, harmony and health within.

Let Go Of: energy, physical, emotional, and mental blocks, self-limitations, egotistic interference, distracting thoughts, limiting beliefs, fear of energy overwhelm, self-doubt, overwhelm coming from other people's energies.

Module 6

Empowering Clair-Abilities: Mastery of Mystery

Embark on the culminating week of the course by unlocking your clairabilities. This transformative week unveils the layers of your intuitive senses, whether it's clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience. Use Kundalini Yoga to strengthen your ability to tap into the realms of Mystery.

What We'll Work on: 

  • Honing Your Clair-Abilities - Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognisance, and channeling/mediumship abilities.
  • Enhance Intuitive Discernment - Continue to improve your capacity to distinguish genuine messages from the rest. 
  • Connecting with Spirit Guides - Strengthen your bond to facilitate clear communication and guidance.
  • Embrace Curiosity, Openness, and Flow.

Let Go Of: skepticism, self-doubt, fear of the unknown, preconceived manifestations and expectations, overthinking mind, mental interference, self-limiting beliefs, impatience.

Ready to Get Started?

Your Investment to join this course is £222.

2 to 3 instalments are available, if you wish to set it up, simply write to 



Sat Nam Beautiful Soul,

I'm Izza, Kundalini Yoga Teacher



 I'M A...






I'm on a mission to empower 1000s of spiritual seekers, healers, holistic therapists, coaches, and spiritual entrepreneurs on their journey of self-discovery and transformation, supporting them by unlocking their superpowers and potential to create their dream life from the inside out with purpose and intention to make a difference in the world.

It is by transcending my own personal story of childhood and relationship traumas, chronic physical conditions, mental health challenges, identity struggles, and breaking with conformism that I have found my true identity, my inner power and my purpose.

I have come to a place of deep compassion and a desire to make a difference for other souls. 

I am a huge advocate for women’s empowerment and gender equality, as well as businesses that create freedom and service for communities.

Questions? We've Got Answers...

Frequently Asked Questions

What technology will I need?

You only need a stable internet connection and a laptop or PC to access the portal. It's designed to be user-friendly for everyone! No IT skills or extensive knowledge are necessary.

What if I'm not good at it?

Kundalini Yoga is inclusive & accessible for everyone! Perfect for busy individuals, this practice accommodates all levels. Izza provides alternative postures and encourages visualization when needed. She overcame chronic back pain with Kundalini Yoga and now practices pain-free, proving its transformative power and accessibility.

How much time will this course require?

Set your own pace and schedule for this course, available 24/7 for a lifetime. Izza suggests practicing classes weekly and initiating a daily meditation routine with the provided sessions to experience quick results.

When & How do I get access?

The course will be available immediately upon checkout.

When you sign up, you automatically create an account using your email and a password. Access the course through the login page at https://magicallivingwithizza.co/signin (it is accessible via the homage menu "Log in". 

How is Kundalini Yoga similar and different from other types of Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga stands out among various yoga traditions due to its unique blend of dynamic movement, breathing exercises, mantra chanting, meditation, music, and deep relaxation, all integrated into specific series of exercises known as kriyas.

While Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga, including popular variations like Iyengar, Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Bikram, and Anusara, share common ground in physical poses and breathing techniques, Kundalini Yoga distinguishes itself by its holistic approach.

In a Kundalini Yoga class, practitioners experience a fusion of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits, and heightened awareness and consciousness.

Each kriya (= set of postures) in Kundalini Yoga is designed with a specific focus. For instance, some kriyas target mental well-being by addressing emotions like anger, nurturing intuition, or fostering courage. Others concentrate on physical health aspects such as improving digestion, enhancing sleep quality, or boosting energy levels.

For individuals desiring to care for themselves on all levels of being physical, emotional, mental and spiritual; Kundalini Yoga offers a comprehensive and transformative experience, blending the best of both worlds.

How do I contact you?

Do not hesitate to get in touch with me via email at 

hello@magicallivignwithizza.co for any question you might have.

Hastings, England
Edinburgh, Scotland
Lyon, France

Izza is a member of the UK Reiki Federation, the Kundalini Yoga Teacher's Association in the UK and the International Kundalini Yoga Teacher's Association.

2024 All Rights Reserved. 

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